Base URL for all requests
async def upload_categories()
Upload a new category list using the labels defined before.
- profile: int containing the profile ID
- category_list: Csv or Excel file containing the product details.
Successful response
JSON containing the filename and the internal upload ID of that file required for further use.{"category": "products.csv", "id": 671213}
Error response
JSON containing the details of the error{"detail":"Failed to upload categorylist: Files of type {file_extension} are not supported yet, please use one of .xlsx, .xls, .csv"}
async def get_uploadcategories()
Get the products from a category list.
Successful response
JSON containing the dictionary entry with details per product.
"2": {
"Title": "USB Maus",
"Variant SKU": "63915698",
"Product Net Weight (g)": "1000",
"Batt Weight (g)": "0",
"Width (cm)": "20",
"Height (cm)": "1",
"Length (cm)": "50",
"Electro": "1",
"Batteries": null,
"Type of Batteries": null,
"Plastic": "50",
"Paper/Carton": "274",
"BE": "6.1",
"LU": "6.4",
"NE": "6",
"DE": "6",
"IE": "6",
"Battery Category": null
async def get_categoriesID()
Get the SKU column from a category list.
Successful response
Text containing the column name of the sku column"Variant SKU"
async def edit_categorylist()
Update a product of the category list.
- row: Row number of the product that changed
- col: Column title of the entry that changed
- new_value: New value of cell
- old_value: Old value of cell, used to validate and to check data type.
True if successful, else False
async def update_categorylist()
Updates the category list using the new data json.
- new_data: JSON containing the new data in this format
[ { "Title": "USB Maus", "Variant SKU": "63915698", "Product Net Weight (g)": "1000", "Batt Weight (g)": "0", "Width (cm)": "20", "Height (cm)": "1", "Length (cm)": "50", "Electro": "1", "Batteries": null, "Type of Batteries": null, "Plastic": "50", "Paper/Carton": "274", "BE": "6.1", "LU": "6.4", "NE": "6", "DE": "6", "IE": "6", "Battery Category": null }, ]
True if successful, else False
async def delete_categorylist()
Deletes the category list with the given upload ID.
True if successful, else False