baseURL =
Base URL for all requests
POST {baseURL}/uploadorders/
async def upload_orders()
async def upload_orders()
Upload the orders in a csv or Excel file format. Make sure you have defined the labels correctly before you upload a file, otherwise this function will return an error.
- live_data: True if live data connection, else False
- order_lists: List of file uploads containing order data from one or more sources
- profiles: List of profiles, should be such that each order_list has the corresponding profile here.
- fileId: List of file IDs to keep track of the exact source of each order.
Successful response with files
{ "status_code": 200 }
Successful response with no files
Returns a status code 200 and whether live data is being used.{ "status_code": 200, "data": { "live_data": {true, false} } }
Error response file reading failed
Returns the error message per file that was uploaded.{ "status_code": 400, "data": [ { "file_id": "file_id", "error": "Error Message" } ] }
Error response saving orders failed
Returns an overview of how many orders failed to upload.{ "status_code": 400, "data": [ { "error": "Added {nr_orders_added}/{nr_all_orders}, skipped {nr_orders_failed} with incorrect SKU or Order ID, {nr_orders_failed} with duplicate SKU and Order ID" } ] }
POST {baseURL}/uploadreturns/
async def upload_returns()
async def upload_returns()
Upload the returns in a csv or Excel file format. Make sure you have defined the labels correctly before you upload a file, otherwise this function will return an error. Indicating live data is not required here, as even for a live data connection you could have a separate place for the returns.
- return_lists: List of file uploads containing return data from one or more sources
- profiles: List of profiles, should be such that each order_list has the corresponding profile here.
- fileId: List of file IDs to keep track of the exact source of each order.
Successful response with or without files
{ "status_code": 200 }
Error response file reading failed
Returns the error message per file that was uploaded.{ "status_code": 400, "data": [ { "file_id": "file_id", "error": "Error Message" } ] }